Sunday, September 30, 2018

Eye Colors

The typical eye color for a wolf is blue, that is the most comman color but wolves are also able to have green eyes, brown, gray and white.

Wolfs population consist of 85% blue eyes

 Wolfs population consist of 1% green eyes
  Wolfs population consist of 5% gray eyes
Wolfs population consist of 8% brown eyes
 Wolfs population consist of 1% white eyes

Sense of Humor

wolves sense of humor i much different from other races when it comes to what they find humorous and how they display being humored.  

wolves like to point out the obvious (context) if someone is dressing up to impress a potential mate a friend might say "looks like your ready and rearing for festival alittle early this year" knowing full well thats not what their friend is dressed up for.  

wolves do not laugh like most other races either unless its just to not stand when not around their own kind. wolves do not laugh but make a almost soundless "humpf" like sound with their mouth closed and air coming from the nose but how ever they may fake a laugh when around other races to fit in socially.

but if a wolf is raised by another race they will pick up on the habits of that race when it comes to humor or laughing.  

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